Invitation to the 2nd leg of CEC2020 – Teplička nad Váhom

Invitation of CEC 2020 – Teplička nad Váhom (314 letöltés)

Invitation to the 2nd leg of Central European Cup 2020
Pozvánka na 2.kolo Stredoeurópskeho pohára 2020
Teplička nad Váhom – Slovakia 20.9.2020
Lukostrelecký klub REFLEX ŽILINA / Archery club REFLEX ŽILINA
WA 70/60/50 m Kvalifikácia + Eliminácie
WA 70/60/50 m Qualification + Eliminations

Miesto konania/ Venue:
Lukostrelnica LK REFLEX ŽILINA
Teplička nad Váhom (obchvat na KIA a Terchovú, cesta 583),
GPS: Latitude: 49.217045, Longitude:18.789316

Divízie a triedy / Divisions and classes:
Olympijský luk a kladkový luk, holý luk / recurve and compound bow, bare bow
kadetky, kadeti, juniorky, juniori, ženy a muži /
cadet women / men, junior women / men, women / men
olympijský luk / recurve bow ženy, muži, juniorky, juniori
women / men, junior women / men
70 m -122 cm terč / target face
kadetky, kadeti
cadet women / men
60 m -122 cm terč / target face
kladkový luk / compound bow: všetky triedy / all classes
50 m – 80cm 6 zónový terč
6 zones target face
Holý luk/bare bow: všetky triedy/all classes
50 m – 122cm

Registrácia / Registration:
Registrácia na e-mail:
Registration via e-mail:
Termín registrácie – konečná prihláška do 14.9.2020 do 12:00 hod. / deadline for final entry form September 14th 2020 /
Pri registrácii (v e-maili) uveďte, prosím, meno, priezvisko, divíziu, triedu a lukostrelecký klub.
In registration (in e-mail) specify, please, name and surname, division, class and club of the archers.

Štartovné / Entry fee:
25 € bankovým prevodom do 14.9.2020 do 12:00 hod.( v cene obed)
/ 25 € by bank transfer received by September 14th 2020 until 12:00 loc / (lunch included)

LK Reflex Žilina
IBAN: SK4583300000002400701462
30 € v hotovosti pri registrácii / 30 € cash by accreditation.

Emailom pri registrácii je možné objednať obed pre sprevádzajúce osoby v cene 5,-€, platba na bankový účet spolu s registráciou.
Lunch orders for accompanying persons for 5,-€ by e-mail together with registration.
Lunch payments on bank account with registration.

Harmonogram / Time schedule:
08:30 – 09:15 Akreditácia / Accreditation
09:15 – 09:30 Otvorenie, schôdzka kapitánov / Opening ceremony, team captains meeting

09:30 – 10:00 Tréning / Warming up
10:00 – 13:30 Kvalifikácia 2 x 6 sád, 10 minút prestávka po šiestich sadách
10:00 – 13:30 Qualification 2 x 6 ends, after 6 ends 10 minutes break
13:30 – 14:30 Obed / Lunch
14:30- 17:30 Tréning 2 sady, Eliminácie (1/8, 1/4, ½, finále)
Warming up 2 ends, Eliminations
18:00 Vyhlásenie výsledkov/ Awards ceremony
Pravidlá a ďalšie informácie/Rules, other efficient information:

  • Súťaží sa podľa pravidiel WA a CEC / Rules by WA and CEC
  • Do eliminácií postupuje 16 strelcov / 16 archers maximum into eliminations
  • Protestová komisia bude určená na schôdzke kapitánov / Jury of appeal will
    be appointed during captains meeting
    Riaditeľ súťaže / Tournament chairman: Viera Hanuliaková
    Administrátor súťaže / Tournament secretary: Jozef Kúdelčík
    DOS / DOS: Mária Kúdelčíková
    Hlavný rozhodca / Chairman of judges : Vlastimil Schindler
    Asistenti rozhodcov / Assisted by judges: Viera Hanuliaková, Boris Baláž
    Technický delegát / Technical delegate: TB

Ubytovanie / Accommodation:
Usporiadateľ nezabezpečuje ubytovanie. Organizer does not provide.
Viera Hanuliaková,, + 421 905 435 952

Competitions in year 2020

Dear CEC stakeholders!

As you all know we are not allowed to travel abroad at the moment. When the regulations from the governments allow travelling between our countries will CEC competitions have possibility to start. Whether it can be a FITA Star or not will depend on World Archery. (not at current state)

If travelling restrictions are eased decision about a competition being held needs to be taken by the organizer. If the leg is held invitation must be sent out 30 days before event like previous years.

We still have 3 legs planned, hope we can have them.

The planned competitions this year and their status:

09.05. 2020   Serbia Cancelled

18.07. 2020   Austria Cancelled

08.08 .2020   Croatia

19.and 20. 09.  2020 Slovakia and reserve is Hungary

Take care!
Kind Regards
Sebastian Vánky
